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Narrow Aisle Safety (NAS)


The Narrow Aisle Safety (NAS) solution minimises the risks of collision between forklifts in narrow work spaces.

System components

Code detection

Control unit

Reflective coded

Traffic light


The traffic light featured by the Narrow Aisle Safety (NAS) solution cautions forklift drivers of the proximity of another forklift in areas with limited room to manoeuvre.

The forklifts incorporate reflective coded bands that when there are detected by the code detection sensors activates the traffic lights installed in this aisle. The forklifts incorporate reflective codeds bands that when there are detected by the code detection sensors activates the traffic lights installed in this aisle. From that moment, and while the forklift is in the aisle, the traffic light will indicate its presence in the area for the rest of the vehicles or pedestrians that approach the place.


Code detection sensors.
Control unit.
Reflective coded bands.
Traffic light.


Detection of trucks in the proximity of the traffic light and adjacent corridors.
Easy installation
Durable and robust system components.
Flexible and scalable, it fits most applications.


Confined areas.
Poor visibility areas at junctions between forklifts.
Areas with high forklift traffic.
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